


The Umatilla Basin in Oregon is facing significant long-term water quantity and quality issues that are impacting the environment, the health of Morrow County’s residents, and the ability for the area to support existing and future agricultural and industrial operations as well as growing drinking water demands. State and local agencies, local water providers, landowners, and other stakeholders have been working under a regulatory framework and through voluntary activities, to address these issues.

As context for this effort, the County created this website as a resource for County staff, stakeholders, and the general public to help communicate efforts.

Morrow County has initiated an evaluation of water issues in the area and the County’s role in water management.  A Water Coordinator has been contracted and is tasked with helping the County better understand water issues in concert with a Water Advisory Committee (WAC) approved by the County Commissioners, and other local and state agencies. The Water Coordinator provides technical support to help the County better understand water issues, provide outreach to stakeholders, identify policies and  

Briefing papers were prepared as part of the Water Coordinator effort, and vetted by the Water Advisory Committee and the Board of Commissioners. The purpose of the briefing papers is to provide general background information about water quantity and quality issues and on-going water projects in the region. The papers are not exhaustive, but they provide an overview of the issues as a baseline reference for the County’s future decisions on water-related policies, programs and funding.

Briefing Papers

For more information, please contact Morrow County Planning Director, Tamra Mabbott at tmabbott@co.morrow.or.us, or 541.922.4624