Port of Morrow Interchange Area Management Plan

Port of Morrow Exit

The Morrow County Planning Department has released a Request for Proposals that outlines a needed update to the Port of Morrow (POM) Interchange Area Management Plan (IAMP), originally adopted in November 2011 by both the City of Boardman and Morrow County. The partners in the update process are Morrow County, the City of Boardman, the Port of Morrow and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). The partners have signed an Intergovernmental Agreement outlining how they will work together on this update process.

Any questions concerning the update process should be directed to the Planning Department by phone at 541-922-4624.



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Town of Lexington
City of Ione Grain Elevator
I-82 Junction in Morrow County
I-84 in Morrow County
Old Boardman Rail Station
Port of Morrow Arial View