COPS Survey

The Morrow County Sheriff's Office invites you to take this “Community Survey on Public Safety and Law Enforcement.” It will take approximately five minutes of your time and is completely confidential. Your participation will help this agency improve its services, processes, and reputation.

The survey is designed for a law enforcement agency to gather opinions and experiences from members of its community. The survey assesses five key components that involve your local law enforcement agency:

  • Community involvement
  • Safety
  • Procedural justice
  • Performance
  • Contact and satisfaction

You may come into contact with multiple law enforcement agencies, but please answer the questions thinking only about the law enforcement agency that invited you to participate in this survey. Whether you are policed by a sheriff’s office, a municipal or regional police department, or another type of agency, the term “law enforcement agency” is used throughout the survey to refer to the local agency that invited you to participate.

Please indicate your response to each item by selecting the appropriate answer based on your feelings, opinions, and experiences. You may skip any survey items you do not feel comfortable responding to or know how to answer, but we encourage you to respond to as many items as possible. This is not a test, and there are no right or wrong answers. Please answer each question honestly.

The “Community Survey on Public Safety and Law Enforcement” was developed by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) with the support of ICF International and law enforcement experts.

Community Involvement
1. To what extent does your law enforcement agency develop relationships with community members (e.g., residents, organizations, and groups)?
2. To what extent does your law enforcement agency regularly communicate with community members (e.g., websites, e-mails, or public meetings)?
3. To what extent does your law enforcement agency make it easy for community members to provide input (e.g., comments, suggestions, and concerns)?
4. To what extent does your law enforcement agency work together with community members to solve local problems?
5. Community policing involves officers in your law enforcement agency working with the community to address the causes of crime in an effort to reduce the problems themselves through a wide range of activities. Based on this definition, to what extent do you think your law enforcement agency practices community policing?